The idea behind having an HVAC system is to always have it running efficiently just like how we like it, at our desired temperature every hour of every day. This is the case most of the time. But it is hard to understand when your HVAC unit does not run efficiently. It may be putting out heat and cooling the air, but does it feel like it is overworking?

Your HVAC system is like a car, with a motor and a certain energy type that it runs on. Similar to how you change your car’s oil, plugs and recharge its battery you also need to regularly care for your HVAC system. This helps it run more effectively and efficiently.

Central Air Conditioner Maintenance

With appropriate care, the latest air conditioner should give you a service life of 12 to 15 years. In some cases, however, it can last even longer. With central air conditioning, it is normal to have a regular maintenance tune-up scheduled. But there are some other features you can use to make your AC run even better.

First, make sure there is no leak from your unit which might be draining the unit. If too much water is lost from the system or retained this is a clear sign that your air conditioner is not operating optimally. Look out for breaches, seepages or even breaks and ensure the condensation hose is able to run smoothly.

  • Always change your air conditioners filter after every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Clean the outer side of the air compressor with water.
  • Keep debris and dust away from the compressor.

For a more effective air conditioner, it’s imperative to have your ductwork cleaned by a professional after every couple of years. This keeps your home dust free and also help you breathe better in your home.

Central Furnace Maintenance

The best way to ensure maintenance of a heating system is done correctly is to have an expert handle the job and give the system a proper checkup. HVAC contractors are readily available for such tasks and give a thorough check and tune-up to your system to make it run effectively over winter.

Here are a couple of steps as a homeowner you can do to enable your furnace to run properly:

  • Test your heater before the first frost. In case of any trouble consult a professional contractor.
  • For natural gas, systems check the pilot light to ensure it is clear blue.
  • Change your furnace filters annually to avoid your furnace from overworking and less efficiently.
  • Ensure there are no objects blocking the vents. Proper airflow is key to distribution of the conditioned air.

HVAC systems are important for your homes to comfort and a routine maintenance ensures this comfort is not compromised.